• Via Santa Croce, 6 - 27029 Vigevano (PV) - Italy

Company profile

POLYTECHNO ENGINEERING Company was born from a project of a group of experts, with thirty years of experience in the fields of security, safety, marine and naval industry (civil and military), building management, protection of structures and infrastructures, automotive and renewable energy.

The aim of the activity is to provide the Customer with a range of products and services with a high professional content for the realization of market analysis and marketing plans, feasibility studies, complete design up to the production stage for Fire safety systems, security, renewables and building management.

In support of technical and professional services, POLYTECHNO ENGINEERING is able to propose financial solutions to support the development of the activities requested by the Customer, up to complete business plan for the management of activity.

The experience, management skills, the firm conviction in the result of teamwork and relationships gained by POLYTECHNO ENGINEERING Professionals in carrying out their previous duties, have allowed the Company to create an important network of contacts and relationships from the outset, both in Italy and in several European and extra-European countries.

This situation has allowed us to acquire important positions from the beginning and to sign collaboration agreements with TOP Customers, Multinational Companies and Organizations, especially in the marine industry, automotive and building management sectors.

“Technology is an obligatory path to improve the environment, and therefore the quality of our life.

For a correct development of the most suitable technology in every occasion, we must all continue together in the same direction, even on parallel paths: the important thing is that the goal is shared! “

This founding philosophy contains the whole philosophy of the Company: this represents the essential values ​​that we put at the service of our Customers and our Partners every day.


The Company’s operational headquarters is located in an unrepeatable location, right in the center of the Ducale Square in Vigevano.

The Mansion dates back to Thirteenth Century, in a Leonardesque site consisting of the Cathedral of S. Ambrogio and the Piazza, unique in the world with a rectangular shape placed downhill.

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